Motorcycles Reviews

[Review] The Rear Disc Guard for Beta Xtrainer by Bullet Proof Designs

One of the first things I did after getting my 2018 Beta Xtrainer was research the best possible protection to add to the bike to keep it looking as new as possible. With my skill (or lack thereof) I knew that riding a dirt bike without any protection would be a bad idea. I know installing protective gear is not a sure fire way to keep my Beta looking brand new but I feel more confident now that I at least went to the effort to try and protect it.

The Bullet Proof Designs Rear Disc Guard was the first order of business. We ride in a lot of rough and rocky terrain and I felt as though it was a minimal expense and easy install to potentially save money and avoid problems down the road.

There are a different few choices for this guard on the market but there definitely some things that stand out for me with the Bullet Proof Designs Rear Disc Guard. First of all, when I pulled this out of the box the quality and craftsmanship were pretty undeniable. It’s just pretty and I sound like such a girl when I say that but it’s the truth. You know, some aftermarket protective parts are ugly but necessary and this falls far from the ugly category.

Bullet Proof Designs Rear Disc Guard is made with 3/8 thick billet 6061 aluminum which gives you ultimate protection without a lot of weight. For me, I am the type of person that the weight gain (which is minimal) is worth the enhanced protection.

As well as being made with thicker aluminum, Bullet Proof Design’s Rear Disc Guard is entirely one piece. I personally think that the two-piece rear guards could be a bit more prone to failure and the one-piece construction takes away any questions of that happening. I would have to think that if this guard breaks, you have likely destroyed the rear end of your bike.

bullet proof designs

The sharkfin design is sleek and simple and if you didn’t know better, it would almost be hard to notice (in a good way). It seems like a large and in charge piece of equipment but once you get it installed you’ll realize much of it you can’t see. This design really helps to keep any kind of debris from impacting the brake disc.

The install was very simple and straightforward and although the included instructions had me questioning a few things, it’s not hard to figure out. You do not really have to add any new parts you’re just replacing the stock brake caliper support with the Bullet Proof Designs guard. Definitely check the above video if you’re installing this! It can literally be installed in less than 30 minutes.

I’ve only put about 300 miles on the bike since adding the Bullet Proof Designs Rear Disc Guard but I can say with certainty that I am so happy I added this guard. It is already a bit marred up on the leading edge, which is not only to be expected but it also shows that it’s a good piece of gear to have!

P-Tech skid plate beta xtrainer

To purchase a Bullet Proof Designs Rear Disc Guard, or any Bullet Proof Designs gear, if you are in the US you must purchase directly from the Beta USA site. You can find the Rear Disc Guard for purchase using this link.

Not only was this guard easy to install, it’s affordable, the fitment is flawless, and it’s made with high-quality materials in the USA. Bullet Proof Designs offers this Rear Disc Guard for many different bikes as well as many other guards and parts so be sure to check them out. We’ve also tested and reviewed the Bullet Proof Designs Linkage Guard – another piece of equipment that I felt the cost outweighed the possible damage down the road so be sure stay tuned for that!

BPD Rear Disc Guard





  • Easy install
  • One-piece design
  • Made with high-quality billet aluminum
  • Doesn't look ridiculous
  • Affordable (+ will save you money when it protects your disc from damage)


  • None!

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