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Outdoor Gear Reviews

[Review] The Discord by SPY

Everyone can stand to find their inner Walter White with a pair of classic black sunglasses. The Discords will do just that but whether you’re a science teacher turned meth-cooker or a dad of three who lives in the…

Outdoor Gear Reviews

[Review] Women’s 9.81 Speed III by Garmont

The 9.81 Speed III by Garmont is a perfect all-around mid-weight hiking shoe for women. While I wouldn’t necessarily consider these lightweight, they are incredibly durable, comfortable and stable. Perfect for any hiking adventure I’m embarking on, whether long or…

Outdoor Gear Reviews

2017 Gift Guide [Under $100]

Inflatable Dog Bed by Lightspeed Outdoors | Tarnaby Axe by Hults Bruk | Kodiak Plus 2.0 by Outdoor Tech  The Svala Hoodie by Kari Traa | Chair One by Helinox | Multipurpose Crew Sock by Eurosock | Yeti 36 oz. Rambler  The…

Outdoor Gear Reviews

[Review] The Hunt by Spy

It’s about time that I have a pair of sunglasses that I can take out on adventures with me. Usually I wear my nice ones for everything but I’m getting tired of banging my nice sunglasses around. A lot…

Reviews Technology

[Review] The BONX Grip

When Tyson and I are skiing, we are always looking for easy opportunities to create content. Whether we think about it on the chairlift or when we get to the ultimate powder field, I will have the shot in…